Saturday, August 24, 2013

I have returned

The previously mentioned pomegranate tea has been in my cup the last few weeks.  

My computer was almost drop kicked through the window. Or at least out the door.  It's acting a little nicer today, but still not completely behaving its self.  I blame Windows 8.  


Right now the only thing I have on my mind is a book I read years and years ago.  I have no idea what it was called, or who wrote it.  And Google is of no help at the moment.

So, what's a person to do?

Well, what this person is going to do is describe what I remember and hope someone knows what I'm talking about.
Pretty sure it was a Harlequin book.
It was about this woman who was blind, the starting scene is her running into a man after going to the library, literally.  He, of course, is completely upset until he realizes she is blind.  Romance ensues until the end when she shows up and can see.  She had lenses placed in her eyes and had voluntarily been blind for a year as research for newspaper articles (or something of that nature).  I want to say he had some kind of a scar or something on his face.  Not quite disfiguring, but enough that he was more comfortable with her when she was blind.

So, if this story is at all familiar to anyone out there, leave me a comment! I'd love to find this book again.

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