Saturday, November 9, 2013

tea and no tea

hmmmm.... tea of the week, drive thru vanilla chai from a local coffee hut.

I have been so crazy busy this week, that I haven't had time to get up and heat a cup of water!  Crazy to the point that when you take lunch, it's kinda irritating, because it's interrupting getting everything that needs to be finished, completed.  Yet, you have to take lunch because you scheduled an eye appointment months ago when you weren't busy.  So it's no wonder that I woke up with a kinked neck.  Can't move it worth anything.  Talk about frustrating.

And I want to add to it all by getting lazik eye surgery.

I have the hope that all will go wonderful, and I will be able to see without glasses.  Ah....  sounds so nice.

But also the fear that I will flinch and be rendered blind, thus unable to work, out of a job, and trying to figure out how to cook some favorite  recipes.

I'm leaning toward a more positive thinking with this, as I know a few people that had the procedure, and none are blind.

The real question is how soon will I be able to get it done.  That depends on when I can get vacation, since it is an out of town trip.

As much as I want to be glasses free next month, it's looking like next spring would make more sense.

I've been with glasses this long, what's another handful of months?

Back to the crazy week.  Today I was able to chill out, and be lazy, so of course I'm exhausted.  (of course) Next week doesn't look like it's going to ease up any.  I just hope I have a moment to brew a cup of tea or two.

But we shall see....

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tea and Yoga

This week I'm working on increasing my tea consumption, as well as my yoga practice.

That sentence is quite misleading, it sounds like I am a daily yogi that is all bendy.  No, I can barley touch my toes, and forget about any type of hip flexibility.  It's only been recently that I discovered that you don't need to be flexible to do yoga.  You do yoga to help you become flexible.

I fell in love with Yoga Booty Ballet when it first came out.  Except when they did happy cow pose.  They make it look like anybody can bend their body in that pose.  While I'm sitting there with one hip not even touching the floor, and one knee up by my ear.  I swore off serious yoga that day.  It would never be for me.

Then this summer I was on a 30 day challenge kick, and decided to try Erin Motz's 30 day yoga challenge.  In that month I completely changed how I feel about yoga.  I took an actual class at the local yoga studio. While I had gradually been introducing myself to yoga before that challenge, it wasn't yoga yoga.  I was enjoying Piyo, which is a Pilates/yoga combo, that is fast paced, and doesn't hold the stretches.  I take Pilates at the gym, on the equipment (love the reformer!) and since the yoga challenge, I have decided that yoga is a great compliment to Pilates.

All this rambling has a point.  I recently supported a kickstarter campaign, that I think will be super awesome.  If you like yoga, and want to enjoy your practice at home, you should totally check it out.

That's pretty much it this week.