Sunday, July 31, 2016

One Week Later

So, it has been a week since I resurrected this blog and posted about my frustrations about the negativity in the world.  One week since I stopped news notifications, and stopped reading my news websites.

In that week,  I have found the website  A meditation website/app.  And I started to meditate every day using the meditations on that app.
I have also started going to instead of news websites.  And in general focusing on positivity.
There was one moment, where my husband showed me this awful video that was circling facebook.  While I'm not going to shut down people telling me about news, or completely ignore major news that is going on, at the same time, I don't want to watch a video about some soldier overseas that is basically bullying some poor kids in a country we are at war against.  The only reason people post videos of that sort is to get some kind of reaction.  I told my husband I don't want to see anything like that because what am I going to do? Fly overseas and slap the guy?
So, other than that moment of frustration, I have noticed a change in my attitude in this first week.  I've gone into situations with co-workers with a more open mind.  Usually I would go in with a negative "I don't want to deal with you" attitude and the entire conversation would be unpleasant.  Which really wasn't like me at all.  I would always leave the situation thinking "I used to be such a nice person"

In doing the 100happydays challenge I've stopped more through the day to acknowledge things that make me happy.  I suppose I've been more in the moment.  Now, I'm not saying I've managed a complete 180 in a week.  I still manage to get really irritated by some things.

I've been thinking during this week, that I need to get a notebook and cary it around all the time.  So that I can just write things down as I think of them.  Yes, I have many note apps on my phone, but I am just one of those people who think best on paper.  This blog is really a challenge to that, since I don't write it down on paper first.  I think by writing things down on paper, I probably would have some subjects to keep my blog going, as well as be able to transfer things either to my journal, which I am not comfortable carrying around with me everywhere. Or, if applicable, to my story that I hope to write.  Because I am of course, one of those people who is totally going to write a book someday.   And rather than carrying a bunch of different notebooks for different things, I think one in general will suffice.

Now, I have searched my house and found an old composition book I used for what looks like a creative writing class I took in collage.  So, the book is over 15 years old.  It's kinda strange, because part of me doesn't want to use it.  But it's not like I'm going to take that class again, and need it for the class.  I might as well fill it up with my thoughts, and give the blank pages the use they deserve.  Right?
So, this week will start that project.  As well as trying to actually write in my journal.

My journal is a book that was given to me in 1994. It's not a very thick book.  I've been writing in it off and on (mostly off) since then.  it's 2016, you can see how often I write in it.  I'm trying to write in it more, but I know that if I say "I will write every day!" I will fail early.  But, I feel that if I write every Sunday, I might manage.  At this time in my life, Sundays are my recover day.  I managed to do a massive amount of yard work on Saturdays at this time.  A project that will take me into October for the first part, and will start up again in spring for the second part.  This first part is exhausting.  Placing pavers in a pattern.  I can really only handle 36 at a time and the next day I feel it.  It doesn't help that I think we are still under this "heat dome" thing so I'm fighting heat exhaustion when I do this work.  Even if I wake early (which for me is hard on a Saturday) I'm still sweltering by 9am with this project.  I obviously would make a horrible construction worker.

So, because of that, my Sundays are Yoga, Meditation, and writing.  With cooking dinner and watering plants thrown in because stuff still has to get done.  So with that time frame, I believe this blog should be consistently updated on Sundays.  I know that last post was a Monday, but that last post had to get out of me before my head imploded with it.

We will see how I do carrying that notebook around.  I'll be sure to let you know how that's going next Sunday.

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