Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tea and Super Bowl

So, the Winter Dream tea was yummy, but the Peppermint Bark is amazing!  Just needed to say that.  It's so good.  They both have the chocolate bits in it, but the peppermint bark has little candy peppermint pieces in it.  It was like the first time I tried a vanilla chai.

So.... The Super Bowl.  I made the mistake of doing a little Super Bowl food shopping today.  Talk about a crowded store!  It was worse than the weekend before Christmas.  Of course I had the sense to stay out of the toy department the weekend before Christmas.  So I'm just talking from a grocery aisle viewpoint.  I can say that I bought way more food then we need, as we don't have a party, we have 2 adults and a 3 year old.
This will be the 8th game I've watched.  I never watched football before meeting my husband.  My roommate and I at one point decided that Super Bowl Sunday was for girls to watch sappy romance novels and eat pixy sticks and cookies. Honestly, I still prefer that type of Sunday marathon.

I do enjoy the commercials, but.... those are all online right now, so I'm not sure what the point of spending millions of dollars to air your big commercial, when people can see them anytime.  Yeah, you are getting your advertising out there, during the biggest game of the year.  The most watched TV show of the year. but still....  it's ridiculous, and I'm rambling.  So I'm outta hear.