Saturday, July 27, 2013

The week off is coming to an end

I did a bit of shopping today at the local stores and found this wonderful new tea by let'sdotea called Fitness Curve Black & Green Herbal Infusion Tea.  I was hesitant, but the store had a sample you could smell... and it smelled wonderful.  I've already had three cups.  Seriously good stuff.  Supposed to be good for you as well.

So.  As I had mentioned earlier this week.  I had the week off.  And I think I worked harder this week then I have in a long time.  Wednesday I did manage to lay all 48 stepping stones in my front yard.  I took a bucket of my little ponies out and my daughter didn't touch a single one.  She did, however, grab a little garden shovel and sat digging in the dirt while I did my own digging to get the ground level.  Granted, all 48 were not put in place while she was awake.  I was surprised I did all of them in one day.  I had planned it in groups of 16 and figured that would be the rest of my week.  But once I got going I just wanted to finish.

Then there was another trip to the store to purchase perennials.  I bought quite a variety and planted them all.  Kinda silly since summer has maybe one month left.  But, if I can get them established, then next spring it will be easier to decide what to fill the rest of the area with.  I can see what actually returns in this weather, and buy a lot of them.  There is one leafy plant I hope comes back next year, because I think it would look beautiful if I lined the entire edge of the flower garden next to the house with it.   Of course, it would help a little if I hadn't thrown away the tag that says the name of the plant.  But, if it comes back, I'll be able to recognize it in the store.  If not, then no more big box store plants for me.  Local nursery grown plants will be what I look at next year.

The week has been so busy that I can't believe that it's coming to an end and tomorrow evening I have to start the usual routine of getting everything ready to go to work.  I did so much, and yet there is so much more I wanted to do!

Plus, it has been such an almost drama free week.  And the only drama was caused by work when I agreed to give a co-worker a lift to work.

Of course, since I've been gone a week, I'm sure there will be enough drama to take care of to fill up pages and pages and pages of novels....  It's just a matter of remembering it all late at night on a Saturday.

Until next week.  Enjoy your tea, in whatever setting makes you calm and happy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Surprise Entry

Everyone needs to swing by "The Asylum Emporium" and indulge in a cup of Basil's Brew Tea.  Yummy refreshing minty flavor.

So, it's only Tuesday. Surprise entry this week.   

This is because I have this week off, and therefore, I can. ;-)  Since I am not doing anything with my vacation, I shall just be playing housewife for the week.  My husband will be working the remainder of the week, so it will just be myself and my little one during the day.  Tomorrows grand plan....  laying stepping stones in the flower garden.

I'm a fun person right?  We'll see how much of this task I can accomplish with a 2 year old running around. I have half a plan that might work.  I think if I take as many of the various horse related toys she has (that aren't plush) I might be able to entertain her for a good.... ten minutes?  that should get 2 out of 48 stones in place.  Then if I'm really lucky she might take a nap.  That could get another 14 in.  Since I really only planned this adventure in sets of 16 anyway, I'll be right on track.  Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have them all down and I can hide from yard work (outside of watering that is) on Saturday.

But, there is a planned trip to the library.  And, the reason I'm taking this week of, my husbands family is in town.  So....  we'll see how reality will interrupt my plans.  At least I had the foresight to take all the stones out of my husbands truck tonight.  Would do me no good if they are miles away park outside his office.

Today as I was putting away leftover spaghetti I realized I really need to go through all the "Tupperware" in my house and find out why it is I have so many lids, but no containers.  I"m seriously baffled by this discovery.  I know at one time there were containers to go with all the lids...  but they appear to have been eaten by the cupboards.  My cupboards are very hungry by nature, and things tend to vanish all the time.

Stay tuned for the most <i>exciting</i> update on Saturday about those stones.  Will I get them done? who knows? maybe something super exciting will happen to prevent me... like finding a map in a fortune cookie.  hahaha

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My ultimate, favorite tea is almond vanilla by Old Wilmington Tea Company. I took one drink of that and fell in love.  When I'm having a bad day, or week, It is my tea of choice to get through it.  This week has been something else.

The short version is, a lot of drama about nothing.  I manage a department. The supervisor I have and his assistant are causing some drama that I could do without.  It's all because he would love to date her, and she would love for him to fall off the planet.

As is always the case, all he managed to do was make the entire workplace an awkward situation for many people, and all he can do is drone on and on and on about what she did to him.

Unneeded drama that is not helping any situation there.

Then to top it all off, somewhere my office is bugged.  Because the Boss always manages to bring subjects up right after we talk about them.  So I knew when the assistance lack of work was discussed, I would hear about it from the Boss.  And sure enough. Monday morning I got a phone call.

Now, as soon as the supervisor stuck up for the assistant, and tried to give her a second chance for her job, the Boss called me and speculated about their activities outside of work.  Because why would he be so hell bent on saving her job?

And that is a question I've asked all week since one minute she is horrible, and the very next sentence she is great.

This is a case of, now the Boss and myself are closely watching her. And time will soon tell if she is as great as the supervisor thinks, or if he needs to get himself into some intense therapy.

No great insight to be had this week. Outside of, think before you make things awkward.  Sometimes an office romance works.  But really, if you are a supervisor over someone.....  Don't do it.  Just don't even go there.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This weeks tea....  Cupcake by Old Wilmington Tea Company.  The first time I tried this I didn't like it at all.  But, I think it was my fault.  I forgot I was steeping it, and have no idea it steeped before I actually drank it.  This week I put a timer on it, and it's much better.

Nothing like dreaming of all the possibilities of what you want to do. I'm old enough, you would think I would have figured it out by now.  But I've looked into opening my own business a few times.  This time around I have looked in to more than before.  Enough that the price is the only thing scaring me away.  And yet, I'm looking for ways to raise that money.

I think I have read so much information on the business I really want to get into that it is the only thing on my brain.  Thus, I will leave this post short.

There were numerous things I was going to write about this week, but as I sit here at my computer, I don't remember a thing.  So, this next week I will try to write things down as they pop in my head and perhaps next week will have a far more interesting post.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

A bit more mint

This week I have moved on to Old Wilmington Tea co's Marrakech Mint.  A very minty blend. 

I drove across the bridge, if I was dreaming I had nothing to loose.  If I wasn't dreaming, then I had to see this strange adventure through to the end.  Another person directs me to turn left and I park my car alongside the castle.  As I get out they walk toward me.  I warily look them over.  They are wearing what looks like a full coat of armor, almost like I had stepped back in time.  They lifted their helmet and I found myself looking at.... myself.

"Welcome to our castle, the Prince has gone ahead to the throne room.  If you will follow me I'll take you to him."  She (I?) said and started to walk toward the castle

"Wait.  Where am I, and who are you?" I asked, as I hurried after her, the confusion strong in my voice.

"I am Sarah.  I'm a mirror chameleon.  The Prince will fill you in on where you are."

"Chameleon?  You don't look like a lizard to me" I looked her up and down, honestly looking for a tail.  She stopped and turned to look at me.

"I mirror whomever I am looking at.  It appears to be startling to those who have never met my kind.  If you would please follow me the Prince will answer all your questions" She started to turn but before I could stop myself I asked
"What happens if you look at another mirror chameleon?"
Sarah raised an eyebrow. "interesting question.  As there are so few of my kind, I can't answer that." She turned and continued walking toward the castle "I was brought here when I was very young, and have not met another of my kind.  It is told that when we are together, our true self is revealed.  But I have learned there is much myth and little truth in this land."  She led me through a tunnel that curved through ornate carvings and sculptures. "While you are visiting this place, remember that nothing is as it seems.  Even the Prince." She stopped before a huge set of doors and turned.  She seemed to be studying me, weighing her thoughts before she continued.
"Many have lost themselves here.  I do not know why you are here, or if you are destined to return home. But what the Prince says is true. What most others say is false, even if they make more sense." She paused and looked up. "I perhaps have said too much." She looked back to me. "be careful, do not lose yourself. Remember where you come from, and you will find your way home." With that bit of advice ringing through my head the doors were opened and she bid me to walk into the throne room.

I'm not sure I will ever be able to accurately describe the beauty of the room.  It appeared to be carved out of a single piece of crystal.  The ceiling glowed like the aurora borealis, while rainbows seemed to skip over the walls.  Sitting on a jewel encrusted throne was the gentleman that had motioned me into this crazy land.

I walked up to him, and before I could ask he said "you wish to know why you are here.  That answer is simple.  You chose to come.  The map can be easily ignored.  Thrown away.  You chose your path, and now the question is, what do you intend to do with it?"

I opened my mouth, but had no response.  I swallowed and shook my head. "I don't understand.  What is this place?"

The Prince leaned back and closed his eyes in thought before responding.  "It is a place of magic.  Only visible to the outside world a few moments out of a year we serve to keep the colors and imagination alive in all animals.  When a map comes in possession to one in your world it can only mean that help will soon be needed.  Very few have followed up on the map.  That is why there is so much chaos in your world."  He paused and studied me.  "You are meant to do great things.  But your work is not here.  And it is not your job to fix the world.  You must return, and be a witness to what is to come.  Someday people will read your accounts of the events to take place, and will understand the deeper meaning behind them."

After a moment of silence I asked, "That is it?  I venture into this unknown land just to be told to 'witness' what is going to happen?"

The Prince nodded "not all that receive the map are meant to be heroes.  Most have no roll to play whatsoever.  Very few actually pay attention."  he glanced toward the doors. "your time here is limited, and you must leave now if you wish to return home.  To stay here could prove detrimental to you, and your world.  You may not be a hero, but like I said, you are destined for greatness and if you are here, that will not come to pass.  Return the way you came.  The path will open for you to return home, but never to return here."

I felt I had so many questions, but none would form in my mind as I was ushered out of the room.  Sarah met me by the door and escorted me back to my car.

"Normally, you must find your way home." she said with a strange tone in her voice. "You must be special for the Prince to want to ensure you are returned safely."

I climbed in my car and started it up.  Carefully I started to maneuver across the bridge.  As I was halfway across something very large and dark descended in front of me.  As adrenalin rushed through me, I slammed on the breaks and cranked the steering wheel, forgetting I was on a bridge.  I screamed as I went over the side. The force of the airbag hitting my head caused me to see stars before everything went black.

When I next opened my eyes I was lying in my bed at home.  I jumped up and ran to the window.  My car sat undamaged and pristine in the parking lot.  Sitting on the edge of the bed I shook my head as the details of the very vivid dream played in my head.

As I stood I noticed body aches that didn't make sense.  If I had really been in a car crash like I dreamt, sure, but as I woke up with a perfectly fine car sitting in the parking lot I was baffled.  Walking into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and gasped.  My face was black and blue. But even scarier was the helmet Sarah had worn sitting on the shelf behind me.  I turned and picked it up.  It was real. As I turned it in my hands a piece of paper fell out.

I picked it up, and scribbled in hard to read handwriting was "I was ordered to get you home safe, and I have done so.  Remember all you have seen"

I set the helmet back on the shelf.  It would remain with me always as  reminder to observe.  As we watch the chaos unfold, we sometimes feel helpless in the face of it.  The helplessness and hopelessness can fade when reminded of the magic that surrounds us.  Simply look at a rainbow, or how a child can find wonder in rocks to realize that not all is bad with the world.